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Women Can

You tell me to hide myself Hide my mind, my thoughts My purpose, Hide behind an apron, Lay on my back til he's satisfied, You want me to hide behind you, Hide behind what others say,

You don't trust me to lead, To be who God called me to be Don't you know He made a Promise, Your lies, your words seek to destroy,

You want me to hide behind What the world says I can be, What women can be,  But I'm ready to fight you, Not just for me but for her, Her who believed you when you said she couldn't, She shouldn't, Her who believed Her life ended When she became a mom, Her who believed him when he said She was worthless, Her who believed She was nothing, I'm fighting for her freedom, I'm fighting for her future, I'm fighting to tell the world Women can, She can, We can, We can rule the world, We can lead, We can be the CEO, CFO any role We choose, We can be a mom and a leader, We can work, We can play, We can dance, We can have fun, We can choose Who we want to be, We can be ourselves, Our whole selves, We can, She can, Women can, You tell me to hide But I'm telling you to run Because I can.

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