Black boy, Black girl, Don't Cry
Black boy, Black girl, don’t cry
When you see the way some see you
Please don’t cry.
When they curse you in the streets,
When they tell you are worthless,
When they chase and harass you,
Please don’t cry.
Lift your voice and make a choice
To vote.
Take a stand for your rights and liberties.
When they call you angry, Black girl
Remember your black girl magic,
Remember who you are.
When they say you’re just another thug, Black boy
Remember your black boy joy,
Remember who you are.
Please remember who you are, Black boy, Black girl.
You are more than a thug.
You are more than angry.
You descend from kings and queens.
You descend from warriors and inventors.
You descend from
Brave, intelligent, strong Black men and Black women.
Please remember who you are,
Don’t let them take your magic,
Don’t let them take your joy.
Black boy, Black girl, don’t cry.